Greenville, South Carolina, Gun Charges Defense Lawyer

Gun charges and convictions in Greenville, South Carolina, are serious matters. If you are convicted on a gun charge, you face costly fines, probation, or possible jail time. Your future gun rights might also be at risk.

The experienced Greenville gun charge defense lawyers at Fedalei & Reid Law can aggressively fight for your interests at every stage of the proceedings. Our legal team will thoroughly review all your defense options and help you make informed decisions.

Never wait to hire a gun charge defense lawyer in Greenville after an arrest. Your future is on the line, so please contact our firm immediately.

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Greenville, South Carolina, Gun Charges Defense Guide

Why Choose Our Greenville Gun Charges Defense Lawyers?

Greenville, SC Gun Charge Defense Attorneys

After incurring a gun charge in Greenville, most people are unsure of where to turn. The skilled criminal defense attorneys at Fedalei & Reid Law are ready to aggressively fight for your rights and pursue the best possible outcome, which might include seeking a dismissal of charges, negotiating a plea agreement for a more lenient sentence, or seeking an acquittal at trial.

We have a strong track record of achieving favorable results for our clients, as evidenced by our most recent reviews.

Our Greenville office is conveniently located at 600 East North Street, Suite 103, Greenville, South Carolina, 29601. Let us seek the most favorable result possible in your criminal case.

Potential Penalties for Gun Crimes in South Carolina

Upon conviction for a gun charge in South Carolina, individuals may face a range of potential penalties that can significantly affect their lives. These penalties depend on the severity of the offense and may include fines, imprisonment, and other consequences.

One of the primary penalties for a gun charge conviction in South Carolina is fines. The fine can vary depending on the specific offense, but it can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

These fines can place a significant financial burden on individuals and their families, affecting their ability to meet other financial obligations.

In addition to fines, individuals convicted of gun charges in South Carolina may also face imprisonment. The length of imprisonment can vary widely depending on factors such as the type of firearm involved, the individual’s criminal history, and whether the offense is a misdemeanor or felony.

For more serious offenses, individuals may face lengthy prison sentences, potentially ranging from several years to life in prison.

Furthermore, individuals convicted of gun charges in South Carolina may face other collateral consequences beyond fines and imprisonment. These consequences can include the loss of certain rights, such as the right to own or possess firearms in the future.

In addition, a criminal record resulting from a gun charge conviction can have long-term consequences, affecting employment opportunities, housing options, and other aspects of daily life.

For example, individuals with a felony conviction may lose their right to vote, serve on a jury, or hold certain professional licenses.

Moreover, a criminal record can create barriers to obtaining housing or financial assistance, as landlords and lenders may be reluctant to rent or lend money to individuals with a history of criminal behavior.

The potential penalties for a gun charge conviction in South Carolina are significant and can have far-reaching consequences. From fines and imprisonment to the loss of rights and opportunities, individuals convicted of gun charges may face challenges that extend well beyond the courtroom.

Therefore, anyone facing gun charges in South Carolina must seek prompt legal representation and understand their rights and options.

Types of Gun Charges in South Carolina

FR Law Building

In South Carolina, several types of gun charges exist, each carrying its own legal elements that a prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt to obtain a conviction.

Understanding these charges and their associated legal elements is crucial for individuals facing gun-related allegations in the state.

  • One common gun charge in South Carolina is unlawful possession of a firearm. To secure a conviction for this offense, a prosecutor must demonstrate that the defendant knowingly and unlawfully possessed a firearm. This may involve proving that the individual had a firearm despite being prohibited from doing so due to factors such as prior felony convictions or certain mental health conditions.
  • Another type of gun charge in South Carolina is carrying a concealed weapon without a permit. The prosecutor must establish that the defendant was carrying a concealed firearm without the necessary permit to obtain a conviction for this offense. This typically involves proving that the firearm was concealed on the defendant’s person or within their vehicle and that they did not possess a valid concealed weapons permit at the time of the alleged offense.
  • Furthermore, South Carolina law prohibits certain individuals from purchasing or possessing firearms altogether, such as convicted felons, individuals subject to certain domestic violence restraining orders, and those adjudicated as mentally incompetent. To secure a conviction for unlawful purchase or possession of a firearm by a prohibited person, a prosecutor must prove that the defendant falls into one of these prohibited categories and knowingly possessed or attempted to purchase a firearm in violation of the law.

In all cases involving gun charges in South Carolina, the prosecutor must meet the burden of proof by presenting evidence that establishes each element of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt. This may include physical evidence such as firearms, witness testimony, and other documentation relevant to the case.

Potential Collateral Consequences of Conviction Following a South Carolina Gun Charge

The significant collateral consequences of a conviction for a gun charge in South Carolina can extend beyond fines and imprisonment, including your rights, opportunities, and reputation.

  • One potential collateral consequence of a gun charge conviction is the loss of certain rights, particularly the right to possess firearms. In South Carolina, individuals convicted of certain gun-related offenses may be prohibited from owning or possessing firearms in the future. This loss of Second Amendment rights can affect individuals who rely on firearms for hunting, self-defense, or recreational purposes.
  • In addition, a gun charge conviction can result in the loss of other civil liberties, such as the right to vote or serve on a jury. Individuals with felony convictions may face disenfranchisement, meaning they cannot participate in the democratic process by voting in elections. Similarly, conviction of a gun charge in South Carolina may disqualify some individuals from serving on juries, limiting their ability to participate in the justice system.
  • Furthermore, a criminal record resulting from a gun charge conviction can have long-term consequences for an individual’s personal and professional life. Employers, landlords, and lenders often conduct background checks as part of their screening processes, and a criminal record can make it more difficult to secure employment, housing, or financial assistance.
  • Moreover, a gun charge conviction can carry social stigma and damage an individual’s reputation within their community. Friends, family members, and colleagues may view the individual differently, leading to strained relationships and social isolation. This can increase shame, embarrassment, and alienation, further complicating reintegration into society.

Common Defenses to a South Carolina Gun Charge 

Gun Charges Defense Lawyer

Those facing a gun charge in South Carolina may use several common legal defenses to challenge the allegations against them.

These defenses can constitute a strong legal strategy and obtain a favorable outcome in court.

  • One common defense to a gun charge is challenging the legality of the search and seizure that led to the discovery of the firearm. In South Carolina, law enforcement officers must have probable cause or a warrant to search a person or their property for firearms. If the search happened without proper authorization or justification, any evidence obtained, such as the firearm itself, may be inadmissible in court, weakening the prosecution’s case.
  • Another possible defense is asserting that the defendant was unaware of the firearm's presence or lacked the intent to possess it. This defense may apply when the firearm was found in a shared space or concealed in a vehicle belonging to someone else. By demonstrating that the defendant did not knowingly possess the firearm or have the requisite intent to control it, a lawyer can question their guilt.
  • In addition, individuals facing gun charges in South Carolina may assert self-defense as a legal defense. South Carolina law recognizes the right to use reasonable force, including deadly force, to defend oneself or others from imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm. If the defendant can establish that they possessed the firearm for legitimate self-defense purposes and used it by the law, they may avoid conviction.
  • Furthermore, individuals may challenge the sufficiency of the evidence the prosecution presented. This may involve disputing the accuracy or reliability of witness testimony, forensic evidence, or other elements of the case. By casting doubt on the strength of the prosecution’s evidence, defendants can undermine the prosecution’s ability to prove their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

The success of these legal defenses depends on the specific circumstances of each case and the strength of the evidence presented by both the prosecution and defense.

The experienced Greenville, SC, gun charge defense lawyers at Fedalei & Reid can help you understand your rights under South Carolina law, pursue the most effective defense strategies, and seek a fair outcome in court.

Possible Plea Deals in South Carolina Gun Charge Cases

In South Carolina, individuals facing gun charges may have the option to negotiate a plea deal with the prosecution. A plea deal, also known as a plea bargain, involves the defendant agreeing to plead guilty or no contest to the charges in exchange for certain concessions from the prosecution.

The availability of a plea deal in a South Carolina case involving a gun charge depends on various factors, including the strength of the evidence against the defendant, the severity of the charges, and the defendant’s criminal history.

Prosecutors may offer plea deals when they possess weak evidence or mitigating factors lessen the defendant’s culpability.

In exchange for pleading guilty or no contest to the charges, the prosecution may offer concessions, such as reducing the charges to a lesser offense, recommending a lighter sentence, or dismissing additional charges.

By accepting a plea deal, defendants can avoid the uncertainty and expense of a trial and receive a more lenient outcome than they might if convicted at trial.

However, while plea deals can offer certain benefits, they also require defendants to admit guilt, which can have long-term consequences for their criminal record and future opportunities. Besides that, we cannot promise that prosecutors will offer a plea deal.

At Fedalei & Reid, we can help you decide whether to accept a pending plea deal in your case or proceed to trial.

Steps to Take After Police Arrest You on a Gun Charge in South Carolina

If police arrest you on a gun charge in South Carolina, to protect your rights and build a strong legal defense:

  • Remain Calm - Stay composed and cooperative with law enforcement officers during the arrest process. Avoid making any statements that the prosecution can use against you later.
  • Invoke Your Right To Remain Silent - Exercise your right to remain silent upon arrest. Refrain from discussing the details of the incident with law enforcement until you have consulted with an attorney.
  • Contact an Attorney - As soon as possible, contact a qualified criminal defense attorney with experience handling gun charges in South Carolina. At Fedalei & Reid, we protect your legal rights and future.
  • Gather Information - Make note of any details surrounding your arrest, including the circumstances leading up to it, any witnesses present, and interactions with law enforcement. This information can be valuable for building your defense.
  • Attend Court Hearings - Attend all scheduled court hearings and comply with any conditions of your release. Failing to appear in court can result in additional legal consequences.
  • Follow Legal Advice - Listen to your attorney’s guidance and follow their instructions closely. They will handle the legal process and advocate for your best interests.
  • Avoid Discussing Your Case - Refrain from discussing your case with anyone other than your attorney. Conversations with friends, family, or on social media can harm your defense.
Alex Reid - Gun Charge Defense Attorney
Alex Reid - Gun Charge Defense Lawyer in Greenville, SC

Talk to Our Experienced Greenville, South Carolina Gun Charge Defense Lawyers Today

The knowledgeable legal team at Fedalei & Reid Law is ready to help if you face a gun charge in Greenville. Please contact our firm immediately at (864) 668-1661 for your free case evaluation and legal consultation with a skilled gun charge defense attorney in Greenville, South Carolina.