South Carolina DUI Checkpoints: What You Need to Know

December 12, 2023 | Chris Fedalei
South Carolina DUI Checkpoints: What You Need to Know

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense in South Carolina, and law enforcement agencies are constantly on the lookout for impaired drivers. One common method used to catch drunk drivers is through DUI checkpoints. These are locations where police officers stop vehicles to check for signs of intoxication.

If you find yourself approaching a DUI checkpoint, it is essential to know your rights and how to handle the situation. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide to navigating South Carolina DUI checkpoints and protecting your rights.


First and foremost, it is crucial to understand that DUI checkpoints are legal in South Carolina. The South Carolina Code of Laws allows law enforcement agencies to conduct sobriety checkpoints, provided they adhere to specific guidelines. Some of the requirements include:

  • Checkpoints must be clearly marked and visible to drivers.
  • Officers must follow a predetermined pattern for stopping vehicles (e.g., every third car).
  • Checkpoints must not cause unreasonable delays for motorists.


During a DUI checkpoint, it is crucial to know your rights to avoid self-incrimination and protect yourself from potential legal issues. Some of your rights at a DUI checkpoint include:

  • The right to remain silent: You are not legally obligated to answer any questions about your alcohol consumption or other potentially incriminating topics.
  • The right to refuse field sobriety tests: These tests are voluntary, and you have the right to decline them. However, refusing a test may lead to further suspicion and potential arrest.
  • The right to refuse a breathalyzer test: You have the right to refuse a breathalyzer test, but doing so will result in an automatic license suspension under South Carolina's Implied Consent Law.
  • The right to an attorney: If you are arrested for DUI, you have the right to consult with an attorney before answering any questions or submitting to any tests.


When approaching a DUI checkpoint, it is essential to remain calm and compliant with law enforcement officers. Being argumentative or uncooperative can escalate the situation and potentially lead to an arrest. Some tips for interacting with officers at a DUI checkpoint include:

  • Slow down and follow any instructions given by officers.
  • Roll down your window and provide your driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance when requested.
  • Speak politely and respectfully to officers.
  • Avoid making sudden movements or reaching for items without informing the officer of your intentions.


If you are arrested for DUI at a checkpoint, it is crucial to contact an experienced DUI attorney as soon as possible. A skilled attorney can help you navigate the legal process, protect your rights, and potentially minimize the consequences of a DUI conviction. Fedalei & Reid Law, LLC has extensive experience handling DUI cases in South Carolina and can provide the specialized representation you need to fight your charges.


South Carolina DUI checkpoints can be intimidating, but knowing your rights and understanding how to handle the situation can help protect you from potential legal issues. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can navigate DUI checkpoints with confidence and ensure your rights are protected. If you find yourself facing DUI charges, contact the experienced attorneys at Fedalei & Reid Law, LLC for specialized legal representation and guidance.

Chris Fedalei Author Image

Chris Fedalei

Attorney, Founding Partner

Chris became a founder and partner at FR Law LLC in 2022, where he focuses on criminal law to help defend people in Greenville County and throughout upstate South Carolina. As a private attorney, Chris brings his experience as a public defender to bear to protect the individual rights and freedoms of his clients. He looks at how each case pertains to the larger criminal justice system without losing sight of the individual impact.

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